Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Decision into Death

            Early Sunday morning, Kristina Andrea Krinitsyn of Andover, Minn., died while on a mission’s trip to Cuba.

           The 17-year-old Sunday school teacher was shot and killed in Havana, Cuba; standing for her faith. “She was always stubborn in her belief” Her mother, Olga Krinitsyn commented, “I’m proud of her.” Volunteering in many programs including Love Minneapolis, Feed My Starving Children, Wishes in Flight, and many little outreaches, Kristina had always had the heart to serving others. Considering this, she wanted to do more, resulting in the trip to Cuba.

            Just one day before her flight back home, she was surrounded and blocked by a suspicious group of towns’ people. They confronted her with questions about her faith in Jesus Christ, and she replied honestly. They disapproved of her belief and shot her down, immediately.

            Back at home, she worked as a TCF bank teller in hopes of paying for her dream school, Oral Roberts University. Going to school as a PSEO student at Anoka Ramsey Community College; she streamed to graduate with an AA degree. She also was a fan of music, playing piano and singing in her church worship team. Her family later discovered a list of goals that she once put on paper. “She had potential,” her sister, Aleena Krinitsyn stated “and always accomplished everything.”  One of the goals listed was, “I want to make people think and know the truth.”  Though she had died, her goal hasn’t gone unaccomplished. 

A funeral is to be held Saturday at the Methven Tayler Funeral Home. Burial will follow immediately in Morningside Memorial Gardens.

**(For all who read this, this is the way i would like to die! I want to stay faithful to Christ all my life! and if it means dying for his name, i will!)


  1. Such a tragic ending, as old as time itself, dying for your religious beliefs - a true martyr.

  2. Very well written, I feel as though you worked really hard on this and it shows! I like how you focused on what your passions were when you were living in your obituary.

  3. I know this is late, but I just read this and had to comment. That is so touching. Really explains who you are. Im at a loss for words really.
