Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Money Tug o' War

A county sheriff and several county commissioners in the county, have a tug o’ war of where an amount of money would work best.
Thursday afternoon, Sheriff Gus Dicesari, boiled over the fact that the county might not give money for new police cruisers and 5 new sheriff’s deputies. “You’re putting the lives of the people in this county, in jeopardy” he said. Commission President Anne Chenn disagreed, saying they have no money for new cars or new deputies, but that the county suggests the money should be given to programs helping migrant workers, who come to the county to work.
“We never had problems until we began letting migrants come to this county to work. They are a problem for our law enforcement, our schools and our healthcare system” stated Commissioner Anita Shenuski, during a heated argument with Chenn. Chenn denied her statement, “Those people who come here to work are decent, hardworking people being employed at jobs that local residents don’t want to do.” The county ran short of money this year because of increased cost for health care for employees and higher fuel costs, resulting in a limited budget of $127 million.
DiCesari continued to fight stating, he needed to replace eight older vehicles that each have more than 150,000 miles on them, for new police cruisers. Chenn suggested that the deputies not drive their cruisers home each day, as they do now. It would make more cars available and preserve mileage.

In result the commissioners voted 5-to-2 against the sheriff’s request for additional money for equipment and personnel.


  1. Nice job! you did a good job with getting the information from the story into your own work. there were just a few things that you should have maybe done. I think its important for the readers to know that $30 million dollars was spent on a new jail and so thats where a good chunk of the money went to. and just make sure that with numbers below 10 that you are spelling out. Otherthan just a few things, your story was well done.

  2. Very nice, loved the "tug-o-war" analogy. Few minor mistakes, but otherwise I really like the way you write!

  3. I agree with Nicole and John, I like the way you write as well! I am not sure if the county running short of money... was a fact or just what Chenn thought though. Your story is easy to read and i LOVE the shorter paragraphs.

  4. Gotta agree. Although there are a couple mistakes here and there, overall a job well done. I think the end could have been fleshed out a little more, instead of ending with just the result. Good job though!

  5. I enjoyed this story. It brought a lot of questions to my mind and I thought that the context was well laid out. The story flowed really well and was super easy to read! I enjoyed it very much good job!
