Monday, October 11, 2010

Volleyball Love interview transcript

My Interview with Hannah Swanson

Q: So, tell me about some things you do! I read your introduction on your blog and see that you want to be a sports broadcaster! Does that mean you play a sport? What sport?
               A: I am thinking about being a sports broadcaster, but as of right now I'm not playing a sport. I might weightlift some in the winter and maybe try golf in the spring, but I know and like volleyball the if you want to interview me about that. That would probably be the best!
 Q: How long have you had the interest in volley ball?
               A: I have had an interest in volleyball ever since my sisters started playing, which was when I was in about 1st or 2nd grade.
 Q: Have you ever played for a team? If yes, then for what team?
               A: I played for my high school team from 7th grade until 10th grade and did some camps before and during that. I didn't join this year because of some issues with my stomach, but I really miss it.
 Q: What about with the family? Do you ever play with your family?
               A: I played a lot with my family. They first taught me how to play and then after the games they would coach me on what I could work on. A lot of summers we would just go outside and play a game or two with our family or even some neighbor friends. It's an interest of the whole family!
Q: Do you consider yourself good at it?
               A: I would say that I'm okay! I'm pretty good at blocking and serving, but I don't have the technique down for hitting very well. Also, since I'm tall, being in the back row is sometimes a challenge!
 Q: What is a moment about volleyball that you remember most? Like a highlight or a big event.
               A: Some highlights that I remember most are the game I had a lot of good hits in, the game I served about 10 in a row to come back and win the game, winning the same tournament two years in a row, and an event our volleyball team did last year called Dig Pink. That was a game where we all wore pink jerseys and sold pink shirts for fans to raise money for breast cancer research.
Q: can you remember the date on when you began playing volleyball?
               A: I'm pretty sure that it was 5th grade when I started playing with a team, so that would be 2005.
Q: What advice would you give to someone about volleyball?
               A: My advice would be to always believe in yourself and don't let other people bring you down, play because you love it and want to have fun, and play the best you can, even if you aren't the best.
Q: If you could, would you play volleyball again?
              A: I would definitely play volleyball again if I could!

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